In my spare time, I like to read stuff.
For non-fiction, I usually go for history/politics. My favorite recent reading in this category is The Light that Failed.
When it comes to literature, I usually go for sci fi. I admit to being a fan of Dune and having read all the books in the series (yes, even the bad ones and the really bad ones. Don't judge me. ). If you'd like to get into a discussion about the end of scarcity as shown in the Culture series, I'm for it!
After listening to Dan Carlin's loooong podcast on World War 1, I became a convert and started recommending it to all my friends. Talking about long podcasts, you probably already fell asleep once or twice to Mike Duncan's History of Rome. If not, I recommend the experience. I didn't think he could improve much after that, but he did with Revolutions(favorite revolutions: French and Russian, of course!). For those of you with an interest in history, but shorter attention spans, there's always 15 Minute History. If you're interested in truly big history, but have (almost) no science background, check out The Big History Project. Oh, and if you have any suggestions for me, please share!
I'm not such a big fan of sports, but I'm usually up for a session of Yoga with Adriene. Her 30 Days of Yoga programme helped me get rid of back pain, so I recommend her classes wholeheartedly.
Oh, and if you'd like to hear more about Code4Romania check out their Facebook pages, visit this website!
For non-fiction, I usually go for history/politics. My favorite recent reading in this category is The Light that Failed.
When it comes to literature, I usually go for sci fi. I admit to being a fan of Dune and having read all the books in the series (yes, even the bad ones and the really bad ones. Don't judge me. ). If you'd like to get into a discussion about the end of scarcity as shown in the Culture series, I'm for it!
After listening to Dan Carlin's loooong podcast on World War 1, I became a convert and started recommending it to all my friends. Talking about long podcasts, you probably already fell asleep once or twice to Mike Duncan's History of Rome. If not, I recommend the experience. I didn't think he could improve much after that, but he did with Revolutions(favorite revolutions: French and Russian, of course!). For those of you with an interest in history, but shorter attention spans, there's always 15 Minute History. If you're interested in truly big history, but have (almost) no science background, check out The Big History Project. Oh, and if you have any suggestions for me, please share!
I'm not such a big fan of sports, but I'm usually up for a session of Yoga with Adriene. Her 30 Days of Yoga programme helped me get rid of back pain, so I recommend her classes wholeheartedly.
Oh, and if you'd like to hear more about Code4Romania check out their Facebook pages, visit this website!